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One of the oldest and most recognizable cat breeds, the Siamese cat is the parent breed for the Siamese Breed Group, which includes the Balinese (truly a longhaired Siamese) and the Oriental Shorthair and the Oriental Longhair. They share the same body type, but come with a different "paint job". Siamese are very social and people oriented and thrive in the company of other people. Find out more about this breed and if a Siamese is right for you and your family.

Nicknamed Meezer, the Siamese is just as famous for their voice as their looks. They will “talk” to you all day and night, expressing their opinion on everything and demanding attention.

Queen White Lotus

Khaomanee - Siamese Cross

Siamese are very social and do not like to be left alone for long periods. As a result, many families have a second Siamese or another pet to keep them company during the day. This breed is best for those who enjoy having someone to talk and interact with throughout the day.

Queen Bonnie

Seal Point Siamese

Queen Marina (Future Queen)

Blue Point Siamese

Siamese cats are a highly intelligent, agile, and athletic breed that require stimulation or a lot of toys to keep them occupied. They are loyal and loving and will pout and pine if given little or no attention and therefore are best suited for families who enjoy spending time and interacting with them on a regular basis.

They are great jumpers and love heights, so perches and cat trees should be provided. When left alone, Siamese cats have been known to entertain themselves for hours by turning on faucets, opening cabinets, seeking out new hideaways and watching television. They have been known to walk on a leash and play fetch as well as any Retriever. 

Queen Cassie

Cinnamon Point Siamese/Oriental

Queen Ella

Lilac Point Siamese

Keep your Siamese entertained and out of trouble by providing puzzle toys that require them to think and move to release treats or use a clicker to teach them tricks, such as tossing a small ball to fetch or running an agility course.

(About the breed, from TICA)

King Simon

Cinnamon Point Siamese/Oriental

The active and social Siamese loves people of all ages, including children, cat-friendly dogs and other cats. They thrive on attention and affection and are often found beside their humans. Siamese like to be “helpful” and follow family members around throughout the day. They love warm places and can be typically found sitting on their humans laps during the day and snuggling under the covers with family members at night.

King Son Chai

Future Seal Point Siamese/Thai King

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