Why You Should Keep Your Cat Indoors
Your cat will live a longer life if kept safely indoors!
*Your cat won't miss the outdoors if he's never been outside!
*He won't be scratching at the door at all hours of the day AND night to be let out.
*Your cat won't be exposed to fleas or ticks.
*Your cat won't disappear for days on end, leaving you worried that he will not ever come back.
*Your cat will live a longer life if kept safely indoors!
*Your cat won't end up at the local animal shelter.
*Your cat can't be the victim of people's cruel actions.
*Your cat won't accidentally come across any poisons like antifreeze.
* Your cat won't be fighting with stray cats and come home with abscesses.
*Your cat won't be at risk of being killed by a dog or other animal.
*Your cat won't be at risk of being hit by a car.
*Your cat won't be exposed to stray cats, who can cause all sorts of diseases such as feline leukemia (FeLV), feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), rabies, and many others.
*YOU won't go through the heartbreak of knowing YOU could have prevented any of these incidents by keeping your kitten indoors.