About Us
Permes Cattery is a cattery based in WA state. Located in a quaint little Norwegian town called Poulsbo. It is only a ferry ride away from Seattle.
We at Permes Cattery take pride as preservationist of the ancient Thai Cats also known as the Maew Boran Cats of Thailand. Maew Boran Cats are a natural breed of ancient cats. They come in a variety of colors. Each color representing a different breed name except for the Siamese-Wichienmaat which come in different color points. For many years I have focused on developing genetically sound purebred Old Style Siamese and Balinese cats. With the goal of breeding healthy, long-lived cats, while maintaining the integrity of the breed. It has not been an easy journey. The shortage of unrelated healthy purebred in the USA, forced me to look outside of the USA. I looked far and wide to locate reputable breeders, I could trust. As you can imagine it was risky and it came with a hefty price tag in more ways than about money. My dream was faced with a grim reality of disappointment and heartache. Too many breeders around the world don’t truly understand how important it is to maintain a healthy cattery. They breed for different reasons.
Few breeders breed for health, genetic soundness, and diversity. And even fewer are honest about it. This deception finally led me to the motherland (Thailand) of my favorite breed the Siamese. I don’t know why it didn’t occur to me sooner. I now have a better understanding of the old saying, “it’s Better Late than Never.”
Anyway, after many attempts to contact breeders in Thailand, I was fortunate to meet two wonderful Thai women. One is the President of TIMBA, which stands for The International Maew Boran Association and the other a wonderful Breeder who is also connected with some of the top breeders in Thailand. It was through both these wonderful women, that I was able to import my first Thai cats into the USA. I am now one step closer to making my dream of giving the Siamese, and Balinese cats the genetic diversity that is so much needed here in the US. It’s been an emotionally and financially exhausting process. Sometimes the things you want most require the most work and effort to achieve. With the introduction of my early imports from Europe along with my imports from Thailand, I can honestly say, “I have arrived.” My breeding program is complete. With this said, my work is not finished. It’s only the beginning to what I want to accomplish with my cats and the breed I love so much. I want to provide every family that is looking for a loving feline companion with a healthy, happy, and beautiful purebred cat with history.
My breeding program will stay focused on developing the four main colors such as seal, chocolate, blue and lilac points as well as lynx points and including exceptionally rare colors such as cinnamon and fawn points. I will also produce Rare Khao Manee, and Suphalak cats from Thailand. I am very excited for the future of the breed.
Please contact me any time to inquire about my cats and kittens. If you are interested in some of my rarer colors like cinnamon and fawn or my Maew Boran Thai Cats, don’t hesitate to reach out. I do plan on making these colors the focal point of my program.
Thank you,
Louis Azcarate
Owner of Permes Cattery